hospital patient treatment cycle

Visualize, inform and track patient care cycle

Beacon Health sponsored project

Care-tracking tool for patients and nurses

Research and discovery with hospital patients, staff and administrators

As UI/UX Director, executed a classroom web-based research project in collaboration with Memorial Hospital's Chief Marketing, Innovation and Customer Experience Officer, Lori Turner. Web design students conducted primary research and developed a concept prototype for a nurse's patient tracking and discharge mobile app. A second section of the course concentrated on visualizing a patient's personal view of her own care cycle and treatment program.

—Research interview and observation with Memorial Hospital subject matter expert on patient discharge

—Team concept prototype for a nurse's mobile app to track patients' care cycle

—Making sense of the research data collected from on-site interviews, oberservations and materials collected

—Site architecture and wireframes to organize and structure a nurse's flow through the moble app

—Gathering information from all stakeholders in the discharge process including social workers

—Team concept prototype for a patient's mobile app to track her indivual, customized care cycle

—Researching a nurse's discharge responbilities utilizing a cognitive mapping session

—Determing the pain points in the discharge process and developing a persona to use for the design phase

—Team concept prototype for a patient's mobile app to track her indivual, customized care cycle including dietary recommendations